Quality Management
We shall strictly adhere to the following principles to achieve our Quality Objectives
Continual Improvement
Continual Improvement of our Quality systems and working practices by setting improved business goals and assessing Quality System Performance
Constant Commitment to supply Cathodic Protection products and provide services of a specific quality index, always compliant to applicable international industry standards.
Maintain Consistent and Clear Internal and External Communication
Customer Satisfaction
Provide our Customers with highest level of service that will earn Customer Satisfaction and Always Exceed Customer Expectation
Middle East Engineering & Corrosion Control W.L.L. (MEECC) is committed to serve Customer needs and requirements by providing Cutting Edge services, products and systems related to Cathodic Protection, uncompromising on quality requirements at all times
By adopting a culture that embraces complete quality responsibility, beyond the basics of inspection and test, every team member is empowered to take the necessary steps to realize that commitment.
MEECC recognises its responsibility to ensure that our business activities are committed to continual improvement of health, safety and welfare of all its employees and those under its influence. The management of the company is committed to a policy of Health and Safety policy throughout the company’s activities. The company will ensure that these objectives are achieved by:
- Provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions and upkeep of our Installations, Equipment, Process and Operations.
- Enhance awareness, skill and competence of our employee & contractors to ensure effective safety for everyone
- Comply with all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements